Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited

A company to be proud of


We are the world’s largest stock transfer agent, and we have pioneered many of the securities industry’s innovations to help companies build and maintain strong relationships with their investors, employees, and customers.

Since Computershare was established in Melbourne in 1978, our operations have expanded across five continents. We gain unique insights from around the world and integrate best practice and innovation to strengthen our competitive advantage and deliver market-leading solutions.


We give you a world of potential! Start your career at Computershare and we can help you reach your full potential. Visit our website to search our full list of available vacancies to find the role that’s perfect for you.

Company Profile
Live Chat
on 20/02/2023

2:15 pm – 5:00 pm

Recruitment Webinar
on 20/02/2023

3:00 pm – 3:15 pm

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